please listen to get cape, wear cape, fly's songs.
anyway meeting up with my darlings later! :D
but only me and yueqi staying over at nut's place. ):
nevermind, i'm sure we'll still have fun. (:
period period go away, come again another day, little huixin wants to play.
damn, i hate period.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
i've been sleeping a lot today. :/
woke up at 11 cos' i stayed up til 2 plus last night/morning talking to gerard and helping him out with some difficult situation he's in. after brunch, i tried reading great expectations but fell asleep soon after reading the first chapter. at this rate i'm going, i won't be able to finish it when school reopens and seriously, it's a how boring book lah. ):
i'm still feeling very very lethargic and i want to sleep more. :/
random question: SHOULD I CUT MY HAIR?
woke up at 11 cos' i stayed up til 2 plus last night/morning talking to gerard and helping him out with some difficult situation he's in. after brunch, i tried reading great expectations but fell asleep soon after reading the first chapter. at this rate i'm going, i won't be able to finish it when school reopens and seriously, it's a how boring book lah. ):
i'm still feeling very very lethargic and i want to sleep more. :/
random question: SHOULD I CUT MY HAIR?
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
i'm done with one maths paper.
GREAT start and i'm proud of myself.
being stuck at home alone is definitely not a good thing.
all the emo vibe is building inside me.
hence i'm watching miss swan hoping i'd at least get a good laugh.
apparently it's not helping much.
oh man.
my brother just came home with two christmas cards.
from eliza and yuanyu.
you girls so totally made my day.
i felt so much better now.
going for ministry planning and meeting up with ziwei tmr.
at least i won't be stuck at home again.
GREAT start and i'm proud of myself.
being stuck at home alone is definitely not a good thing.
all the emo vibe is building inside me.
hence i'm watching miss swan hoping i'd at least get a good laugh.
apparently it's not helping much.
oh man.
my brother just came home with two christmas cards.
from eliza and yuanyu.
you girls so totally made my day.
i felt so much better now.
going for ministry planning and meeting up with ziwei tmr.
at least i won't be stuck at home again.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! (:'s been a while since i've blogged.
i was too busy chionging christmas cards.
guess for this year the mood just isn't there which is probably why i was so last minute.
all these writing gave me blisters on my fourth finger and it hurts so damn badly.
and so the innovative me pasted scotchtape over them so that i won't rub against them when i write to reduce the pain.
okay fine, it's rather stoopid but it works. (:
oh yes, i'm definitely sleep deprived.
but tonight, AHA!
nobody and nothing shall disturb me from my beauty sleep!
anyway christmas service was great! :D
doug's the ultimate funniest. (:
hmmm...even though yeah as i was saying just now, the christmasy mood's not really there but i've received the most gifts and cards.
THANK YOU people for taking the time and effort to write cards and look for gifts for me.
really really appreciate it a lot.
went to the singapore garden festival with alethea, her mom and her sis after that.
entered for free cos' my mom's having her shift so she could bring us in. (: pictures!'s been a while since i've blogged.
i was too busy chionging christmas cards.
guess for this year the mood just isn't there which is probably why i was so last minute.
all these writing gave me blisters on my fourth finger and it hurts so damn badly.
and so the innovative me pasted scotchtape over them so that i won't rub against them when i write to reduce the pain.
okay fine, it's rather stoopid but it works. (:
oh yes, i'm definitely sleep deprived.
but tonight, AHA!
nobody and nothing shall disturb me from my beauty sleep!
anyway christmas service was great! :D
doug's the ultimate funniest. (:
hmmm...even though yeah as i was saying just now, the christmasy mood's not really there but i've received the most gifts and cards.
THANK YOU people for taking the time and effort to write cards and look for gifts for me.
really really appreciate it a lot.
went to the singapore garden festival with alethea, her mom and her sis after that.
entered for free cos' my mom's having her shift so she could bring us in. (: pictures!

Friday, December 22, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
update on the trip.
went kl and guess what?
ZERO shopping done.
i was damn depressed. ):
we hardly had time so we just went sight seeing.
and the stuff at kl's around the same price as singapore so no point buying.
anyway something interesting did happen.
while we were sleeping, my dad, mom and aunty apparently heard some woman from the next door screaming and moaning.
so you should know what happened.
stoopid hotel rooms are not sound proof lah.
thank God i didn't hear anything.
God doesn't want me to hear evil.
off to cameron highlands.
the temperature's like 20 degree celcius?
the hotels there probably save a lot of electricity cos' they won't have to install air-cons.
and the air there is super duper fresh.
your face won't feel a teeny bit oily at all.
i don't mind living there man. (:
we didn't do much cos' it's a long journey and everyone's tired.
just visited some strawberry farm and the strawberries were damn sweet.
life sucks cos' i had gastric pain.
couldn't eat anything. :(
anyway we went to all the places of interest. (:
my mom and aunty are the ultimate.
they bought so many vegetables and fruits lah.
everywhere they go, they'll be like "WAH! SO CHEAP! SOMEMORE SINGAPORE CANNOT FIND! BUY MORE BUY MORE!"
i think my family's gonna turn into vegetarians soon.
oh yes.their flowers are bloody cheap also.
24 roses for 4 bucks??!!
i ain't kidding.
and their roses are in tip top condition.
singapore sells one for 2-3 bucks?
wa lao.felt damn cheated.
had steamboat at night but the poor me could only drink the soup.
damn saddening.
i forgot to mention.
the hotel tv has disney channel!
good stuff man. :D
i was happily watch art attack, the suite life of zack and cody, hannah montana, totally spies etc.
anyway on our way back to singapore, a huge cow suddenly ran across the highway lah.
freaked all of us out. :/
but it's funny actually.
who will expect that?
here are some funny facts. (:
malaysians have very weird spelling.
ice kachang=ais kacang
anyway three cheers for my dad, the power driver! (:
and thank God for providing us good weather throughout the trip and granting us safe journey back home. :D
i'll upload the photos soon! (:
i'm too lazy to blog about youth camp so here's a quick one.
youth camp was great!
thanks to the wonderful camp comm who managed to make the camp possible! (:
enjoyed myself a lot and managed to catch up with people whom i haven't talked to for a long time. :D
only took photos of both of them.
the rest are in my album.
update on the trip.
went kl and guess what?
ZERO shopping done.
i was damn depressed. ):
we hardly had time so we just went sight seeing.
and the stuff at kl's around the same price as singapore so no point buying.
anyway something interesting did happen.
while we were sleeping, my dad, mom and aunty apparently heard some woman from the next door screaming and moaning.
so you should know what happened.
stoopid hotel rooms are not sound proof lah.
thank God i didn't hear anything.
God doesn't want me to hear evil.
off to cameron highlands.
the temperature's like 20 degree celcius?
the hotels there probably save a lot of electricity cos' they won't have to install air-cons.
and the air there is super duper fresh.
your face won't feel a teeny bit oily at all.
i don't mind living there man. (:
we didn't do much cos' it's a long journey and everyone's tired.
just visited some strawberry farm and the strawberries were damn sweet.
life sucks cos' i had gastric pain.
couldn't eat anything. :(
anyway we went to all the places of interest. (:
my mom and aunty are the ultimate.
they bought so many vegetables and fruits lah.
everywhere they go, they'll be like "WAH! SO CHEAP! SOMEMORE SINGAPORE CANNOT FIND! BUY MORE BUY MORE!"
i think my family's gonna turn into vegetarians soon.
oh yes.their flowers are bloody cheap also.
24 roses for 4 bucks??!!
i ain't kidding.
and their roses are in tip top condition.
singapore sells one for 2-3 bucks?
wa lao.felt damn cheated.
had steamboat at night but the poor me could only drink the soup.
damn saddening.
i forgot to mention.
the hotel tv has disney channel!
good stuff man. :D
i was happily watch art attack, the suite life of zack and cody, hannah montana, totally spies etc.
anyway on our way back to singapore, a huge cow suddenly ran across the highway lah.
freaked all of us out. :/
but it's funny actually.
who will expect that?
here are some funny facts. (:
malaysians have very weird spelling.
ice kachang=ais kacang
anyway three cheers for my dad, the power driver! (:
and thank God for providing us good weather throughout the trip and granting us safe journey back home. :D
i'll upload the photos soon! (:
i'm too lazy to blog about youth camp so here's a quick one.
youth camp was great!
thanks to the wonderful camp comm who managed to make the camp possible! (:
enjoyed myself a lot and managed to catch up with people whom i haven't talked to for a long time. :D

the rest are in my album.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
4s1 class dinner at breeks! :D
this is super blur.the waitress has zero photography skills. :/
the world renowned photographer yao yueqi took this. (:
december babies! :D
nut, piak piak and me! :D
at merlion walk. (:
the retarded charlie's angels. :D
joanne acting cool while the rest of us puke. (: i look damn shittified here. ):
the grand finale. :D

the rest of the photos are in my shutterfly album. (:
even though only 1/4 of the class turned up, we still had loads of fun!
hugssss and lovessss!
even though only 1/4 of the class turned up, we still had loads of fun!
hugssss and lovessss!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
koped from yueqi's blog and edited a little.too lazy to type. (:
met up with my loves yueqi, joanne and dawnnie yesterday! (: it sure is good to meet up with them again! one lazy day spent at my house right on our agenda! :D loads of tit-bits, stacks of vcds, and a comfortable position of my sofa/floor to sprawl on. ingredients for a great day! (:
we watched SouthPark first which was downright horny. :/ there were those sex education and condoms and joanne's favourite woman in the show who has seriously saggy boobs and you wonder why we're watching all these. and the orange guy (kenny) is so poor thing lah he exists to die in every episode. hahahah! then we switched to emo movie "The Notebook"! damn sweet (: i always cry each time i watch this show man but joanne never fails to spoil the atmosphere with her rubbish comments. apparently there was this scene where they were having sex and out came a loud voice "wa lao. can she stop panting or not?" -_-"' ARGHHH! JOANNE TAN THE RAMBUTAN!! eh yueqi i wanted to watch your orbeet "Mr Vampire" but stupid joanne refused to. next time we watch together k? (: heck joanne. hahaha.
we played taboo too and here are some funny happenings. (:
the word: speed
usually what first comes to your mind is, slow, car etc. but yao yueqi, the great hwa chong student said this : "distance over time" WHOAAA. please clap for her. (: a hwa chong student indeed BUT unfortunately she has failing eyesight. she saw therapist as THE RAPIST. haha!
the word: fire
me: oh you know when this happen then people will scream "help! help!"?
yueqi gave me a puzzled look while joanne was watching intently at the tv screen.
dawnnie: wa lao! so easy you also dunno how to describe. ermm...not air, water but?
yueqi: fire!
dawnnie: you help help help people think kena raped or sth lah.
okay fine. dawnnie you win. :(
the word: martini
me: you go clubbing then you...the opposite of eat (i can't say drink)...
joanne: sorry hor we don't club.
me: tsk.common sense lah!
dawnnie: aiyo. ricky what?
yueqi: martin? orhhhhh...martini!!!
again, dawnnie you win. ):
the word: orbit
this is the ultimate funniest. :D
joanne: hokkien word!
us: how come got hokkien word one?
can't really remember what she describe as being ugly.
me: ermm...orbeeet ah?
joanne: correct correct!!
orbit becomes orbeeet. HAHA! joanne's the best. (:
we discovered that all the celebrities whom dawnnie likes are blondes. tsktsk. dawn just admit it, you love blondies and you're a lesbian. hahahaha! but thankfully she managed to find a guy whom she finds good looking, johnathan bennett. congratulations! now you're a bisexual. (:
from yueqi and i feel the same way too. (:
sometimes i'll think maybe one day, because of how very different our lives and friends are now, we might have lesser and lesser things in common until we finally drift apart. but each time i meet up with them, i feel so at ease. (: i'm just glad you guys are the constants in my life and thanks for everything! :D
dawnnie showing off her new nokia 5300. (:
LOVE! <3
met up with my loves yueqi, joanne and dawnnie yesterday! (: it sure is good to meet up with them again! one lazy day spent at my house right on our agenda! :D loads of tit-bits, stacks of vcds, and a comfortable position of my sofa/floor to sprawl on. ingredients for a great day! (:
we watched SouthPark first which was downright horny. :/ there were those sex education and condoms and joanne's favourite woman in the show who has seriously saggy boobs and you wonder why we're watching all these. and the orange guy (kenny) is so poor thing lah he exists to die in every episode. hahahah! then we switched to emo movie "The Notebook"! damn sweet (: i always cry each time i watch this show man but joanne never fails to spoil the atmosphere with her rubbish comments. apparently there was this scene where they were having sex and out came a loud voice "wa lao. can she stop panting or not?" -_-"' ARGHHH! JOANNE TAN THE RAMBUTAN!! eh yueqi i wanted to watch your orbeet "Mr Vampire" but stupid joanne refused to. next time we watch together k? (: heck joanne. hahaha.
we played taboo too and here are some funny happenings. (:
the word: speed
usually what first comes to your mind is, slow, car etc. but yao yueqi, the great hwa chong student said this : "distance over time" WHOAAA. please clap for her. (: a hwa chong student indeed BUT unfortunately she has failing eyesight. she saw therapist as THE RAPIST. haha!
the word: fire
me: oh you know when this happen then people will scream "help! help!"?
yueqi gave me a puzzled look while joanne was watching intently at the tv screen.
dawnnie: wa lao! so easy you also dunno how to describe. ermm...not air, water but?
yueqi: fire!
dawnnie: you help help help people think kena raped or sth lah.
okay fine. dawnnie you win. :(
the word: martini
me: you go clubbing then you...the opposite of eat (i can't say drink)...
joanne: sorry hor we don't club.
me: tsk.common sense lah!
dawnnie: aiyo. ricky what?
yueqi: martin? orhhhhh...martini!!!
again, dawnnie you win. ):
the word: orbit
this is the ultimate funniest. :D
joanne: hokkien word!
us: how come got hokkien word one?
can't really remember what she describe as being ugly.
me: ermm...orbeeet ah?
joanne: correct correct!!
orbit becomes orbeeet. HAHA! joanne's the best. (:
we discovered that all the celebrities whom dawnnie likes are blondes. tsktsk. dawn just admit it, you love blondies and you're a lesbian. hahahaha! but thankfully she managed to find a guy whom she finds good looking, johnathan bennett. congratulations! now you're a bisexual. (:
from yueqi and i feel the same way too. (:
sometimes i'll think maybe one day, because of how very different our lives and friends are now, we might have lesser and lesser things in common until we finally drift apart. but each time i meet up with them, i feel so at ease. (: i'm just glad you guys are the constants in my life and thanks for everything! :D

LOVE! <3
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
song of the day: are you gonna go my way (lenny kravitz)
spent the whole morning watching the swimming events.
seriously jap swimmers are the BOMB, especially the guys.
they are HOT HOT HOT, super tanned and they swim damn well.
i'm into anime now.
here's one, the prince behind the lipstick.
NICE. (:
and this.
perfect girl evolution.
i'll be able to spend time with my lovelublovelies tmr!
joanne, yueqi, dawnnie and yinxi will be coming over to my house.
my most favourite people on earth! :D
missed them LOADS. ):
can't wait man.
spent the whole morning watching the swimming events.
seriously jap swimmers are the BOMB, especially the guys.
they are HOT HOT HOT, super tanned and they swim damn well.
i'm into anime now.
here's one, the prince behind the lipstick.
NICE. (:
and this.
perfect girl evolution.
i'll be able to spend time with my lovelublovelies tmr!
joanne, yueqi, dawnnie and yinxi will be coming over to my house.
my most favourite people on earth! :D
missed them LOADS. ):
can't wait man.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Sunday, December 03, 2006
song of the day: come down to me (saving jane)
love love love this song.
You're beautiful
Just the way you are
And I love it all
Every line, and every scar
And I wish that I could make you see
This is where you ought to be,
Come down to me.
joy didn't come church in the end and i was devastated.
she woke up late lah??!!
pang seh me.
nvm at least we have a date on thurs.
watching asian games now.
table tennis women finals.
china vs singapore.
and china won.
the 89s are planning a retreat form 17th-19th and guess what?
i'm freaking pissed now.
love love love this song.
You're beautiful
Just the way you are
And I love it all
Every line, and every scar
And I wish that I could make you see
This is where you ought to be,
Come down to me.
joy didn't come church in the end and i was devastated.
she woke up late lah??!!
pang seh me.
nvm at least we have a date on thurs.
watching asian games now.
table tennis women finals.
china vs singapore.
and china won.
the 89s are planning a retreat form 17th-19th and guess what?
i'm freaking pissed now.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
song of the day: memory (sugarcult)
didn't play badminton in the end because the courts were fully booked.
anyway went to dawnnie's house to chill out.
played a bit of guitar, watched duplex, listened to many songs and ate rubbishy food.
dawnnie has rather good taste in music apart from her pussycat dolls.
here's a glimspe of her guitar and her sexy legs.

didn't play badminton in the end because the courts were fully booked.
anyway went to dawnnie's house to chill out.
played a bit of guitar, watched duplex, listened to many songs and ate rubbishy food.
dawnnie has rather good taste in music apart from her pussycat dolls.
here's a glimspe of her guitar and her sexy legs.

Friday, December 01, 2006
song of the day: never had a dream come true (s club 7)
read all she ever wanted and weeped my heart out.
it touched me.
and darn.
the radio had to play s club 7's never had a dream come true.
a part of me will always be with you.
i figured out that today's a bad day.
a day for emo-ing.
but being emo feels good.
okay but it's just for today.
too much emo-ness is harmful.
met up with my previous tutor and we did a bit of inequalities.
then we're back to discuss about what i really want to achieve in life.
hell, i have no idea.
i hated the way he can so easily read my mind and i hated him for knowing me inside out.
but i love talking to him because he always makes me think about my future like what i really wanted and i guess that's important.
and today he threw me one question.
do i want to stay in jc?
he told me before that i'll do much better in poly because i'm an application person, not theory but i chose not to heed his advice.
come to think of it now, i regretted quite a bit because i'm definitely not doing well in my studies and that sucks.
but he said it's not too late.
i can just quit jc and go poly now.
at most i just waste one year, better than not doing well in a's and having to end up going nowhere but back to poly and i'll waste two years.
i certainly can't wait to get out of jc but for now i've already settled down and i'm too tired and perhaps afraid as well to start over again in another environment.
what if i can't find new friends?
what if i still don't do well?
there are just too many what ifs.
but he said life isn't about what if or maybe or should have.
we all made choices, some of them bad, some of them good.
for the bad ones, we should just move on and not look back.
i hate making decisions because i'm afraid of what and where they may lead to but if i don't, i'll never know.
maybe it's time for me to start making my own decisions, not my parents, not my friends but myself.
and it's time for me to seek God again and ask for his guidance because ultimately, it is His will that i should be focusing on.
anyway apart from this, my tutor said i looked haggard.
i told him i have been reading a lot therefore, i've not been getting enough sleep which is quite true for now.
i think i'm addicted to books.
once i start reading, i can't stop.
but also, i can't be bothered with how i look right now.
heck the pimples and eyebags.
even if there's a huge pimple growing on the tip of my nose, i wouldn't give a damn about it.
oh well.
lots of thinking to do this december.
but for now, off to my fourth book!
read all she ever wanted and weeped my heart out.
it touched me.
and darn.
the radio had to play s club 7's never had a dream come true.
a part of me will always be with you.
i figured out that today's a bad day.
a day for emo-ing.
but being emo feels good.
okay but it's just for today.
too much emo-ness is harmful.
met up with my previous tutor and we did a bit of inequalities.
then we're back to discuss about what i really want to achieve in life.
hell, i have no idea.
i hated the way he can so easily read my mind and i hated him for knowing me inside out.
but i love talking to him because he always makes me think about my future like what i really wanted and i guess that's important.
and today he threw me one question.
do i want to stay in jc?
he told me before that i'll do much better in poly because i'm an application person, not theory but i chose not to heed his advice.
come to think of it now, i regretted quite a bit because i'm definitely not doing well in my studies and that sucks.
but he said it's not too late.
i can just quit jc and go poly now.
at most i just waste one year, better than not doing well in a's and having to end up going nowhere but back to poly and i'll waste two years.
i certainly can't wait to get out of jc but for now i've already settled down and i'm too tired and perhaps afraid as well to start over again in another environment.
what if i can't find new friends?
what if i still don't do well?
there are just too many what ifs.
but he said life isn't about what if or maybe or should have.
we all made choices, some of them bad, some of them good.
for the bad ones, we should just move on and not look back.
i hate making decisions because i'm afraid of what and where they may lead to but if i don't, i'll never know.
maybe it's time for me to start making my own decisions, not my parents, not my friends but myself.
and it's time for me to seek God again and ask for his guidance because ultimately, it is His will that i should be focusing on.
anyway apart from this, my tutor said i looked haggard.
i told him i have been reading a lot therefore, i've not been getting enough sleep which is quite true for now.
i think i'm addicted to books.
once i start reading, i can't stop.
but also, i can't be bothered with how i look right now.
heck the pimples and eyebags.
even if there's a huge pimple growing on the tip of my nose, i wouldn't give a damn about it.
oh well.
lots of thinking to do this december.
but for now, off to my fourth book!
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